Well, I haven’t used my camera all winter. My plan was to take pictures of the beautiful surroundings with snow on the ground. Unfortunately, there has been very little of the promised snow up here. So, yesterday I went to Patsy’s Barber Shop in Albany at the suggestion of a friend. You see, I haven’t had a decent haircut since I’ve been up here and I was lamenting of the same. Well, Patsy’s is great – old school in a new way. Reminded me of my barber back in Glen Ellyn at Punch. Mom says it is too short on the sides, but I like it.
Well, driving all the way to civilization from the barren exurb I live in is a trip so I took my camera and shot some beautiful early morning photos of the New York State Capitol. W

hen I got home, I went to upload them. Seems, unfortunately, that the card was write protected so none of those images were saved. Not a problem, it was in the 50’s today so I headed back out this afternoon. Not as pretty (a little overcast) and the lighting was different. I know I didn’t get some of the same shots – but I know I got others which were better. Such is life.
I can’t wait until the tulips bloom and I can photograph Washington Park. I hear it is beautiful. And there are a lot of flower beds around the capitol. Lots of beautiful buildings as well.