My First Trip to the Bronx(ville)

Ok, so the title is a bit misleading. I didn’t quite make it to the Bronx but I did make it to Bronxville. My churches district headquarters is there and had a conference of workshops. If you know a bit about me, you’ll know that the Bishop and I go back a ways (which is also a bit deceiving, he was my boss for a spell at the sem). He is a true Pastor of Pastors.

Anyway, three of my friends and I took the journey down the Taconic Parkway (which is BEAUTIFUL) and landed “about as close to the southern end of WestChester county as y’all can get).

I met some folks from the city and the island. Which was cool.

Didn’t get photos (kinda hard to since I was with a crowd of people) so I’ll have to make the trek again sometime soon.